Friday, December 7, 2012

This holiday season, you swear that you’ll
stick to your diet plan, but how do you avoid
the deadly diet destructors? Here’s how!
This year, the holiday season is going to be different, you vow. No more
overindulging and no guilty mornings after. You're going to make better
eating choices and achieve the fat loss success you’ve always wanted.
And for a while everything goes as planned. But just as you're cruising along
on your balanced healthy diet, wham! You're derailed at a party by one of
the Diet Destructors. These invisible dark forces can set you back in your fat
loss success, blowing your confidence and motivation in the process.
As anyone who has ever faced a buffet table loaded with tasty holiday hors
d'oeuvres knows, it's not easy to make good food choices in certain
surroundings. "For every step forward we take, our food environment can
send us back two steps," says Janet Washington, M.P.H., R.D., coordinator
of the sports nutrition program at Simmons College in Boston. Learning
where the Diet Destructors lurk and how to combat them is the key to your
weight loss success.
Read on to discover situations where you're most likely to encounter the Diet
Destructors and simple strategies to keep them from sabotaging your
healthy diet.
Balanced Healthy Diet Danger Zone 1: parties, special
occasions and holiday celebrations
You can stick to your balanced healthy diet plan without being a party
pooper. Before heading out the door, decide what your limit will be. Will you
have a big plate of salad or raw veggies and just a bit of the cold cuts from
the meat and cheese tray? Make those choices before the event.And, just for 
extra insurance, set a goal for morning-after damage control.
For example, you might decide that if you overindulge, you'll drink plenty of
cinnamon tea for a few days afterward and increase your cardio workouts.
Balanced Healthy Diet Danger Zone 2: work
With holiday cookies, vending machines and sweet treats around virtually
every corner, there are very few places the Diet Destructors love more than
the workplace. Your best chance for weight loss success while at work is to
enlist help from like-minded colleagues.
Consider taking turns bringing healthful foods to meetings, or ask the person
in charge of refreshments to offer some healthier options such as fresh
For maximum control of work-time eating, you'll need to plan ahead and
bring your own healthful lunch and snacks from home. Keep Ideal Protein
packet in a desk drawer and have a protein drink and some sliced
cucumbers instead of a candy bar when an afternoon slump hits. For around
125 calories you'll get a balanced mini-meal with about 20 grams of protein.
Balanced Healthy Diet Danger Zone 3: the gym
Gyms and health clubs have expanded into the lucrative fast-food market,
selling everything from energy bars and sports waters to smoothies and
protein drinks. But just because these foods are available at your gym
doesn't mean they're low in fat or calories.
Judy Phillips, M.S., R.D., project manager of the childhood obesity program
at South End Community Health Center in Boston, recommends saving
calories and money by skipping these tempting products. "If you're eating
normal, well-spaced meals throughout the day, don't bother with food at the
gym. Bring protein snack for after exercise if you feel you need it," she says.
Balanced Healthy Diet Danger Zone 4: vacations
Vacations are all about taking a break from our normal routines, which
includes your balanced healthy diet. As a result, we often end up breaking
our diet rules and gaining weight. All-inclusive vacations and cruises in
particular can be challenging. Being on a luxury liner is like being on a
floating island loaded with fabulous, free food, says Karl Muhlberger,
corporate executive chef for the five-star Cunard cruise line. "Most people
feel like, 'Hey, I paid for this and I want to enjoy it.'"
But it is possible to maintain your fat loss success by choosing the right
vacation. Many resorts and cruises offer vegetarian, low-carb and low fat
options. Just do your research before you go and know what your options
No matter what your vacation destination, avoid packing on the pounds by
planning how you'll eat before you go. One solution is to choose to phase off
correctly before you go and then treat yourself on even days and practice
moderation on odd days. Or, if you decide you want to enjoy whatever you
want whenever you want it, include a plan for getting back on track as soon
as you return home.
The best plan for the holiday diet destructors is to have a plan that is well
thought out in advance.