Thursday, March 8, 2012

Understanding Ketosis

What does ketosis mean? Ketosis means the state when the 
body starts turning to fat for energy.  When a person is overweight, the state
of ketosis can be a speedy and effective route to burning up excess fat.

1. Reduces cholesterol levels in the body  Dieting on low carbohydrate foods
helps reduce high cholesterol levels. Eating less sugar lowers production of  glucose. Lowering cholesterol and carbohydrate levels help slow down age related diseases.

2. Aids in weight loss A substance known as ketone is produced when fats are
broken down to release energy. Initially, the ketones formed during this process
are excreted by the body in the form of urine. However, ketones often accumulate in the body leading to a condition known as ketosis. The common
side effects associated to this condition include loss of appetite, thereby is beneficial to people seeking to shed pounds.

3. Reduce hunger cravings Ketosis happens when your body is deprived of carbohydrates. It uses stored fat as energy and hence is beneficial if you are dieting. Low carb nutrition combined with regular protein intake help to keep
your muscles lean. Also, low carb nutrition greatly helps reduce the rate of 
metabolism in your body, which in turn reduces hunger cravings.