Your own private island!!
Wouldn't it be nice to have your own private escape like this one when everyday life becomes a little to much to handle or stress seems to overwhelm your existence! Although only a handful of individuals are lucky enough to be able to go somewhere like this, there are techniques we can use to help us deal with the "stress" that seems to be a part of everyday living. Here are some coping strategies you can begin to put into practice right away. Try one or two until you find one that works for you! Practice these techniques until they become habits.
Write Put it on paper the things that are bothering you. Learn what triggers stress for you. Journaling is a healthy way to express feelings.
Let Your Feelings Out
Talk, laugh, cry and express you feelings to others.
Do Something You Enjoy A hobby. Do something creative. Play and care for pets. Do for others.
Focus on the Present Rehashing the past does not change things. Making changes in the future does.
Breathe Breathe in deeply, lick your lips then blow out slowly.
Exercise Regular exercise is a great way to manage stress. Walking is a great way to get started. Stretching can also relieve muscle tension.
Chop Big Pieces into Small Pieces You don'y climb Everest or run a Marathon in one step. Likewise attacking our stressors in small increments are much easier to manage.
To Do Lists Write it down and then your mind can focus on more important things.
These are a few ideas!! If you have any leave a comment. I woul love to here from your experience!!